Jon and Cate shared one more gentle kiss then strolled through the park, arms around each others’ waists. They wandered slowly down a narrow side street toward the ocean, each silent and smiling contentedly as in their minds they relived their encounter in the park.
Cate couldn’t believe what she had just done. She had just had sex in a public place. With a rock star, no less! She chuckled softly to herself and shook her head slightly. Not since her crazy college days had she done something so wild and impulsive. She was a little embarrassed, but also more than a little excited.
She felt free for the first time in a long time. Free from restraint, from suspicion, from the darkness and gloom that had been hovering around her these past few years as she guarded her heart with unwavering vigilance. It was as if she was emerging from a fog of sorrow in which she had been aimlessly wandering. And standing there beyond the clearing haze, beckoning for her, was Jon.
She felt alive.
Jon watched Cate out of the corner of his eye as they strolled along together. He knew she was analyzing what had happened between them tonight. She couldn’t help it; it was her nature. But he was glad. It was how she would ultimately work through her fears and come to realize she was meant to be with him. Jon tightened his arm around Cate’s waist, giving her a little squeeze as they wandered together down the narrow road.
Jon’s mind moved to his own actions and words of the evening. He had managed to tell Cate about his plan to return to the Center without her cutting him off. He had even taken the conversation further than he thought he would be able to, discussing the possibility of future contact between them. He was certain Cate would eventually be receptive to him calling, e-mailing, texting, or otherwise contacting her. But he didn’t want to type messages or talk on the phone. He wanted to look in her eyes, hold her hand, share smiles and kisses and embraces. He wanted to be with her.
As much as they had talked about tonight, there was more he had to tell her. Much more. But Jon wasn’t going to press his luck any further tonight. Tonight he was going to enjoy Cate’s affection, her freedom, and the little wild streak he had suspected was there but was just now starting to see. There would be time to talk tomorrow.
“Hey,” he said softly as the approached the path they had taken earlier, from the King and Prince to the Village. “Let’s walk down the beach instead of taking the path.”
Cate turned her head to smile at him. “Okay,” she agreed softly. “It’s a beautiful night to be near the water.”
“Yes, it is,” Jon agreed softly, again squeezing her gently to him. Cate stopped and turned her body to Jon’s, resting her hand lightly on his chest as she leaned up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Then she stepped away, slipping out of Jon’s arms and capturing his hand in hers. Cate turned toward the water and tugged lightly on Jon’s hand, indicating for him to follow her. He did willingly, and they made their way through the small, narrow park that separated the beach from the Village.
When they reached the sand, Jon and Cate paused to kick off their flip-flops before continuing down the beach. Jon smiled happily as Cate led him to the water’s edge, the wet sand smooth under their feet as the warm surf lapped around their ankles.
“So, what do you want to do now?” Jon asked as he and Cate strolled along the beach, hand in hand.
Cate turned her head to look at him. “Now?” she asked, surprised. “I kinda thought we were done for the night.” As soon as the words left her lips she realized how that sounded, and hastily tried to explain. “I mean… I don’t mean… Not that you… Oh, Fuck!” Cate blushed as she took a deep breath, trying to organize her thoughts.
Jon laughed at Cate’s babbling. He found it adorable that she was flustered at alluding to sex, after the multiple steamy and intimate encounters they had shared over the past twenty-four hours.
“Oh, fuck?” he teased, giving her a saucy grin. “Well, okay… if you insist!” He stopped and pulled Cate against him, his hands going to her hips as he nuzzled playfully at her ear.
Cate giggled and tipped her head at the tickle of his breath. “I didn’t mean that,” she replied. “I just meant it’s getting late, and we’re going back to the villa. I kinda thought we’d just go to bed. You know, actually get some sleep?”
“Sleep is overrated,” Jon growled teasingly in her ear. “Who needs sleep? I don’t…” He dropped his head to nip gently at the curve of Cate’s neck.
Cate couldn’t resist. “You’ll sleep when you’re dead?” she chuckled, fully realizing how corny that sounded.
Jon pulled back and grinned at her. “Smartass,” he responded. “But yeah. I don’t want to sleep when you’re with me. I want to enjoy every minute. Too much to do, too little time.”
Too little time… Cate thought with a pang of regret. She silently nodded, then leaned up to place a gentle kiss on Jon’s soft lips. “So?” she asked. “What do you wanna do?”
“You,” Jon grinned.
Cate rolled her eyes. “Smartass,” she replied, echoing his earlier tease.
Jon chuckled. “Well, I kinda have something in mind. I… um… had something set up. You’ll see.” He gave her a sly smile, then stepped back and took her hand. “C’mon.”
Wondering what Jon had up his sleeve this time, Cate followed his lead. They continued their walk along the surf until they reached the border of the King and Prince property and the Private Beach – No Trespassing sign. Cate looked toward the villa as they passed by the small grove of palms and bushes that screened the villa from the neighboring property. She half-expected to see the deck aglow with candles, like it had been when Jon had brought her here for the first time after their surprise dinner date.
But the deck was dark, illuminated only by the silver moonlight.
Cate felt Jon stop beside her, and she turned her gaze back to him. She saw him grinning like a Cheshire cat. “What?” she asked, confused.
“Ya know, the water is really warm tonight. And there’s not much surf,” Jon observed. “It’s really calm.” He dropped his flip-flops onto the sand, then reached over to take Cate's sandals from her hand. He dropped them to the ground as well.
Cate gave him a quizzical look. “Uh huh….” she agreed. What the hell is he talking about? The surf? Who cares?
Jon released Cate’s hand and reached behind his head, to the back of his neck. Cate’s eyes widened as she watched him tug his t-shirt up over his head and off his torso. He tossed the tee on the sand, several feet from where they stood, out of reach of the tide. What the fuck? she thought, her eyes ranging over his delicious bare chest.
“I feel like taking a swim.” Jon stated nonchalantly, still grinning. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, then tossed it on top of his t-shirt.
What? Cate stared at him. “A swim? Oh… okay…” It still didn’t register in her brain what was happening. She was too distracted by Jon’s muscular body, illuminated in light and shadow by the moon’s silver glow.
“I think you should come in, too. It will be…. refreshing.” Jon continued, his voice betraying his intent. He reached to the hem of Cate’s t-shirt.
“Huh?” Cate looked up at Jon’s face and saw the sparkle in his eyes. “I.. I don’t have a suit here,” she stammered.
“You don’t need a suit,” Jon growled as he started to lift her t-shirt’s hem, exposing her belly.
Finally Cate caught on, as her tee slid upward over her breasts. “Jon! I…. NO!” she squeaked, quickly moving her hands to his, stopping their movement as he attempted to disrobe her. “You’re crazy! I am NOT skinny dipping on the beach at the King and Prince!”
Jon chuckled throatily at her shocked exclamation, then gave her his best seductive smile. “Aw, c’mon Baby…” he purred. “Nobody’s gonna see us. It’s a private beach.”
“It’s only private for King and Prince guests. That’s guestsssss - plural.” Cate drew out the “s” at the end of the word in a long hiss. “As in anybody staying here can use this beach. And their guests,” she countered firmly.
“So?” Jon asked. “Listen, I’ve been here a week and a half and I have yet to see a single soul wander down to this end of the beach. There’s a reason I booked this villa, you know. It’s the furthest away from the resort, with no neighbors. I like my privacy.” He grinned again. “So I can swim naked in the ocean if I want.” He moved his hands again, under Cate’s, inching her t-shirt up until the backs of his hands rested against her breasts.
“Nuh uh.” Cate answered firmly, shaking her head. “I already gave in to your crazy, horny idea in the park. And we almost got caught.” She gave him a direct look. “I’ve already tempted fate once tonight. Twice if you count what happened inside, with the damned doors open. Third time just might be the charm that gets me busted.” Cate felt her pulse kick up with her agitation. But she also felt a spark of excitement at Jon’s suggestion.
Jon sighed and regarded her for a moment. He knew she was still a little buzzed from the margaritas they had with dinner; she had to be. Hell, he still was. And he knew that tonight Cate was more relaxed and uninhibited than he had ever seen her. Jon looked into her swirling blue eyes, searching for a sign. What he saw there made a wicked smirk curl the corners of his luscious mouth.
Jon released the fabric of Cate’s shirt from his hands and stepped closer to her. His hands moved to her waist as he dropped his mouth onto hers and he gave her a slow, suggestive kiss. Then he slid his lips along her cheek to her ear. “Fine, Baby,” he cooed into her ear. “You don’t have to get naked. Just take off your shirt and your shorts. Anybody sees you, you’re wearing a red bikini. Since your bottoms match your top.” He grinned at his last little tease then waited for her response, his lips still hovering beside her ear.
Jon felt Cate inhale deeply, and he knew he had been persuasive. “Well…” Cate hesitated before acquiescing. “Okay. I guess you’re right.” Her heartbeat kicked up another notch as she felt Jon’s hands slide from her sides to her stomach, his fingers at the button on her waistband.
“Of course I’m right…” Jon purred into her ear as he deftly popped the button through the hole and lowered the zipper. “C’mon Baby… you know you like to be naughty.” He chuckled sexily and nipped gently at her lobe as he slid Cate’s shorts over her hipbones and pushed them down her thighs, letting them slip down her legs to the sand. “I know I like you to be naughty,” he added. He pulled back and gave her another seductive smile, then again reached for the hem of her tee.
This time Cate didn’t resist as Jon gently stripped the t-shirt from her and tossed it onto the sand, next to his. She couldn’t keep a little smile from her full lips as she felt the night breeze on her bare skin, raising gooseflesh despite its warmth. She felt the familiar little tingle of arousal in her core and her nipples puckered against the soft lace of her bra as Jon’s gaze roved over her body.
He growled appreciatively. “Damn, Baby…. you look just… delicious,” he rumbled in his whiskey-timbred voice. He lowered his lips to her ear again. “Makes me want to taste you,” he breathed into Cate’s ear before he slipped his mouth downward to suck gently on the side of her neck.
Cate’s hands went to Jon’s forearms as her knees almost buckled and she became instantly wet at the sound of his voice and the feel of his lips. Holy Hell, she thought. He really has done it. He’s fucked me stupid. What other explanation could there be for how he was affecting her--again?
Of its own accord, her head tipped sideways to allow him fuller access to the warm skin of her neck. Cate groaned contentedly as Jon’s lips continued downward to the curve of her shoulder. He nudged aside the crimson strap of her bra and traced the tip of his tongue over her tattoo. Cate drew in a shaky breath as Jon’s mouth left her flesh and he pulled his head back to look at her.
Jon gave her a little smirk and rotated his forearms so that her hands slipped downward and into his. He closed his hands around hers and gently pulled them toward his body. He eased his hands away from Cate’s until her fingertips were resting against his hard abdomen, just above the waistband of his cargo shorts. “Well, Baby?” he asked huskily. “Your call… on or off?”
I'm really glad to have Cate and Jon back and that scene in the restaurant and now on the beach. Of course, you stop there. You are just down right cruel Cate. Love it!!!!
ReplyDeleteOFF, of course!!! There is no other option! Haha!
ReplyDeleteHe may have fucked her stupid....but not THAT stupid! OFF is the only sane response! And I don't think her "bikini" is staying on for long either! LMAO!
ReplyDeletewaiting for new chapter :)