Chapter 23 - Aftermath

Cate didn’t remember the drive to her house. She was lost in thought the entire way, and was actually startled when she pulled into her driveway and saw the closed garage door. She pushed the button on the opener and watched as the door slid upward to allow her to guide her Mustang into the bay.

Once inside the house, Cate tossed her bags on the floor of the foyer and went straight to the kitchen. She pulled a beer out of the fridge, popped the cap off, and drank deeply. Then she noticed there was a piece of paper pinned by a magnet to the fridge door. She quickly read the note from Erin, her 12-year-old neighbor, that Jovi was spending the night with her next door.

Cate nodded to herself. She had been so preoccupied that she didn’t even notice the big collie hadn’t met her at the door. Cate paid Erin twenty dollars a week to feed and walk Jovi, and she was happy to let the girl keep the dog for a “sleepover” when she worked late.

Taking another swig of her beer, Cate went into the bathroom and started the shower. Then she went into her closet, undressed and tossed her dirty clothes in the hamper, and finished off her beer.

Returning to the kitchen for another brew, she popped the top then took the bottle with her into the shower. She stood miserably under the warm spray for a long time, drinking and replaying the day’s events in her mind.

The more she dwelled on her thoughts, the more ridiculous she felt. She still felt a dull ache in her heart from Danny’s stinging words. And the way she had acted toward Jon… well, there was probably no chance in hell that he wanted anything to do with her now.

Danny was right. She was a Bitch. Cate gave a long shuddering sigh and felt tears spring to her eyes. She raised her face to the spray to wash them away.

So much for her dream come true… two whole weeks with Jon Bon Jovi all to herself. She smiled ruefully. Be careful what you wish for… you just might get it.

After finishing her beer and her shower, Cate pulled on her ratty old Philadelphia Eagles jersey and brushed out her hair. Remembering she had stuck her Glock in her gear bag before driving home, she padded into the foyer and pulled the bag from the floor.

She unzipped the bag and rooted around in it, finding the holstered gun. As she pulled the Glock out she noticed a glint of silver. Cate reached down to the bottom of the bag and pulled out a silver chain bearing a sterling Maltese cross.

It was Jon’s necklace. When he took it off at the gym earlier, he must have accidentally dropped it into her bag instead of his.

As she held the beautiful cross in her hand, Cate was overwhelmed with emotion. She blinked back tears and took a deep, shaky breath. God, I’m such a fool. What in Bloody Hell ever possessed me to treat him like that?

She stared at the cross for another moment, then with trembling hands unhooked the clasp. She drew the chain around her neck and fastened it in the back, under her hair. She felt the weight of the cross between her breasts, warming her skin. Just a few short hours ago it had rested on Jon’s chest.

Cate grabbed her gun and went back into the bedroom. She placed the holstered Glock on her nightstand next to her Blackberry, and climbed into bed. She was exhausted, but her mind was restless. Cate turned on the TV and clicked over to ESPN SportsCenter.

After watching a recap of the day’s baseball games, Cate couldn’t stand it anymore. She picked up her Blackberry and pushed the button, then waited for a moment.

“Couldn’t sleep, huh Slick?” Danny’s voice was gentle.

“No.” Cate sighed miserably. “You’re right. I am a bitch.”

“Yeah, but you’re my bitch. And you know how I love it when you admit I’m right.” Danny chuckled softly. “It’s okay, Cate. You’ve had one hell of a week so far.” He paused. “I assume you’ve thought about what I told you?”

“Yes.” Cate was quiet for a long moment. Danny waited patiently, knowing she was searching for the words. “Danny, I don’t know what to do,” she finally admitted. “After my little performance tonight he probably doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“I doubt that.” Danny replied softly. “Cate, I saw his eyes. The guy can’t help himself.”

They let a long silence linger. “What are you doing?” Cate finally asked.

“Laying in bed, watching ‘Navy SEALS.’ “ Danny replied.

“Channel, please.” Cate asked.

“310.” Danny smiled. How many times they had played out this scene from “When Harry Met Sally” over the course of their friendship… He could envision the split screen; Cate in her bed and he in his, both holding their phones to their ears.

“This is one of the cheesiest flicks ever.” Cate remarked, watching the movie on her TV. “But this is a very cool scene.”

Both Cate and Danny watched as the SEALS jumped out of the back of the AC-130 transport, parachuting down to save the world as a gorgeous sunset blazed golden around them.

“Cate, you should call him.” Danny said quietly.

Cate sighed again. “I don’t know, Danny… don’t you think he’d rather just not deal with me for awhile?”

“No.” Danny replied honestly. “I think he’d rather have you wrapped around him in a big ol’ bed over in his fancy villa at The King & Prince.”

“God, Danny….you’re not helping.” Cate groaned.

Danny grinned. “Good. Talk to ya in the morning. Get some sleep, Slick.”

“ ‘Night Slick.” Cate answered. “Love ya.”

“Love ya too, Babe.” There was a faint click and Danny was gone.

Cate stared at the TV for a long while, debating. No longer paying attention to the movie, she rolled onto her side and stared out the panes of the French doors that led to her small balcony. Her house was at the edge of the beach, and she often turned to the ocean for solace.

The moon was full, painting the waves that lapped upon the shore a shimmery silver. The beauty of the night made Cate yearn to hear Jon’s voice soft in her ear, feel his arms tight around her, taste his lips gentle on hers. Now that she had had a taste of the Heaven that was Jon, she craved more. But after tonight, she doubted she would ever again have the chance.

Cate rolled onto her back and sighed. She turned her eyes to her clock radio and saw it was after midnight. He’s probably asleep, she thought. She picked up her Blackberry and began to type.


Jon watched the waves roll into the shore, rushing against the smooth sand. The huge moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky, and the palms swayed in the breeze.

On another night he would have appreciated the tranquility. But he was still trying to unravel the tangle of his emotions, replaying the week’s events in his mind. Jon took another drag off his cigarette… his fifth one of the night. He was gonna pay for that tomorrow.

As he reclined on the posh double chaise on the deck of his villa, Jon wished Cate was there with him. He would give damned near anything to feel her nestled against his chest, her arms around his waist, the perfume of her hair on the breeze.

As the whiskey went to work, Jon’s anger had subsided. He now just felt a longing ache. Jon took another drink from the glass in his hand; the bottle on the table was now more than half empty. He gazed out at the waves and realized just how lonely he had been for so long.

Jon was startled from his thoughts by the slight buzz of his Blackberry, vibrating against the glass of the table. The screen glowed, and Jon saw that he had received a text message. He picked up the device and pushed a button.

[12:22 am] Jon – I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. –C

Jon’s heart warmed at the simple sentiment. So, she couldn’t sleep either? He smiled gently to himself, loving the idea that she was thinking of him, too. Maybe she was gazing at the same moon, wishing he was there with her.

He put down his cigarette and glass and pushed a few buttons.

[12:25 am] Cate – Me too. Sweet Dreams. XOXO – JB


Snuggled under the soft down of her duvet, Cate smiled. She felt a small tear form in the corner of her eye as she read Jon’s reply, so simple yet saying so much.

Her hand went to the cross around her neck and she stroked it lightly, feeling the warmth of Jon’s heart glowing in the little piece of silver. She gently set her Blackberry on the nightstand, clicked off the TV, and closed her eyes.


  1. Best chapter of the story by far.

  2. good, first step in the right direction. more, please

  3. They will make an interesting couple. Their neighbors should get ear plugs...for the fighting and the making up. ;)


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