Cate entered the ladies’ room and was relieved to find it empty. She leaned against the vanity, staring at her reflection. She almost didn’t recognize the woman in the mirror; the flushed cheeks, the sparkling eyes, the relaxed smile... the happy glow.
Cate felt her blood rushing as she replayed in her mind her encounter with Jon. Her fingertips went to her lips as she remembered how he had kissed her: fiercely, passionately, tenderly, sweetly.
That was how Mandy found her minutes later, gazing into the mirror and tracing Jon’s kisses on her lips. “Cate, you okay?” Mandy asked anxiously.
Cate felt her blood rushing as she replayed in her mind her encounter with Jon. Her fingertips went to her lips as she remembered how he had kissed her: fiercely, passionately, tenderly, sweetly.
That was how Mandy found her minutes later, gazing into the mirror and tracing Jon’s kisses on her lips. “Cate, you okay?” Mandy asked anxiously.
Cate snapped out of her reverie at the sound of her friend’s voice. She couldn’t stop herself from giving Mandy a dreamy smile.
“Oh. My. God.” Mandy gasped. “What the hell happened?” Whatever it was, it was good…. she thought.
Cate’s smile turned shy and she looked down at her boots. She chuckled to herself, then looked back up at Mandy. She didn’t have to say anything. Mandy could tell.
“Holy SHIT! He kissed you! You kissed him! You… kissed each other!” Mandy laughed giddily. She realized how goofy she sounded, like a silly junior high girl. It’s the alcohol… But that didn’t change the fact that she was delighted for her friend. “God, it must have been great….” Mandy grinned. “I mean, Holy Hell, just LOOK at you!”
“I know. It was. I… I just can’t describe it…” Cate’s voice trailed off. She and Mandy smiled at each other for a long moment, then Mandy stepped forward and gave Cate a big hug.
“You just made a very big step forward, sweetie,” Mandy said gently. “And Holy Shit, did you pick the right man to do it with!” She laughed. “Are you sure you’re okay? I was worried when you didn’t come back to the table with Jon.”
“I’m fine. I just needed a minute to collect myself. And I didn’t want the guys to see us come back together. Drunk or not, they’re all cops and I know they would have picked up on my nonverbals.” She grinned again. “I can’t help it! Make me stop smiling! Damnit!”
Mandy laughed and hugged Cate again. “You deserve to smile, Hon.” She released her friend and looked at her own grinning reflection in the mirror. Yep, I look halfway to drunk. “Hey, Troy’s gonna take me and Bobby and Steve and George home, then he’s coming back for the rest of you. You wanna come out with me, or take another minute?”
Cate thought for a second. “What’s Jon doing?” she asked.
“Talking football with Danny and Brandon. Danny hasn’t said anything, but I can tell he knows what’s up.” Mandy answered.
Cate nodded. “Okay. I’ll come out with you.” She looked in the mirror one last time, brushing her hair back from her face. Then she followed Mandy to the door.
“You know, you’re giving me every last detail tomorrow at the spa!” Mandy warned before opening the door.
“Deal,” Cate laughed.
“Oh. My. God.” Mandy gasped. “What the hell happened?” Whatever it was, it was good…. she thought.
Cate’s smile turned shy and she looked down at her boots. She chuckled to herself, then looked back up at Mandy. She didn’t have to say anything. Mandy could tell.
“Holy SHIT! He kissed you! You kissed him! You… kissed each other!” Mandy laughed giddily. She realized how goofy she sounded, like a silly junior high girl. It’s the alcohol… But that didn’t change the fact that she was delighted for her friend. “God, it must have been great….” Mandy grinned. “I mean, Holy Hell, just LOOK at you!”
“I know. It was. I… I just can’t describe it…” Cate’s voice trailed off. She and Mandy smiled at each other for a long moment, then Mandy stepped forward and gave Cate a big hug.
“You just made a very big step forward, sweetie,” Mandy said gently. “And Holy Shit, did you pick the right man to do it with!” She laughed. “Are you sure you’re okay? I was worried when you didn’t come back to the table with Jon.”
“I’m fine. I just needed a minute to collect myself. And I didn’t want the guys to see us come back together. Drunk or not, they’re all cops and I know they would have picked up on my nonverbals.” She grinned again. “I can’t help it! Make me stop smiling! Damnit!”
Mandy laughed and hugged Cate again. “You deserve to smile, Hon.” She released her friend and looked at her own grinning reflection in the mirror. Yep, I look halfway to drunk. “Hey, Troy’s gonna take me and Bobby and Steve and George home, then he’s coming back for the rest of you. You wanna come out with me, or take another minute?”
Cate thought for a second. “What’s Jon doing?” she asked.
“Talking football with Danny and Brandon. Danny hasn’t said anything, but I can tell he knows what’s up.” Mandy answered.
Cate nodded. “Okay. I’ll come out with you.” She looked in the mirror one last time, brushing her hair back from her face. Then she followed Mandy to the door.
“You know, you’re giving me every last detail tomorrow at the spa!” Mandy warned before opening the door.
“Deal,” Cate laughed.
They pushed through the door and made their way back to the table. The house lights had come up a bit, warning patrons that closing time was drawing near. Jon again stood as the women approached, and pulled out chairs for them both. He gave Cate a knowing smile as she settled into the seat beside him.
After a few minutes Mandy, Bobby, Steve, and George said their goodnights. Jon stood and gave Mandy a hug and a kiss on the cheek as he bid her sweet dreams. “Thanks for the advice,” he murmured in her ear after brushing her cheek with his lips.
Mandy nodded and swooned, just a bit. After all, Jon Bon Jovi was whispering in her ear! Mandy grinned and gave Cate a big hug as well, reminding her to meet at the spa in eight short hours. “Lucky bitch!” she whispered to Cate as they embraced. Cate chuckled and nodded. Then Mandy departed with the boys.
Jon, Cate, Danny, and Brandon shared the last pitcher of the evening as they waited for Troy to return. The conversation turned to one of Jon’s favorite subjects, the Soul. Time passed quickly as he regaled the others with funny tales of his adventures in the Arena Football League. All too soon Troy was back and ready to drive them home.
The group followed Troy out to his SUV and climbed in, somewhat clumsily. After all, they had consumed a few adult beverages throughout the evening. Brandon sat in the front passenger seat, and Cate found herself in the middle of the back seat, between Danny and Jon.
“Jon, I’m gonna drop you off first since you’re on the Island,” Troy said.
“Thanks, Man,” Jon answered. Damnit, he thought. It was only a short drive from the Center over the causeway to St. Simon’s Island. That meant he only had a few more minutes to spend with Cate.
Once the doors to Troy’s SUV were closed and the cabin lights dimmed, Jon slid his arm across the back of the seat behind Cate. His fingers toyed with her hair and gently caressed her neck and shoulder.
After a few minutes Mandy, Bobby, Steve, and George said their goodnights. Jon stood and gave Mandy a hug and a kiss on the cheek as he bid her sweet dreams. “Thanks for the advice,” he murmured in her ear after brushing her cheek with his lips.
Mandy nodded and swooned, just a bit. After all, Jon Bon Jovi was whispering in her ear! Mandy grinned and gave Cate a big hug as well, reminding her to meet at the spa in eight short hours. “Lucky bitch!” she whispered to Cate as they embraced. Cate chuckled and nodded. Then Mandy departed with the boys.
Jon, Cate, Danny, and Brandon shared the last pitcher of the evening as they waited for Troy to return. The conversation turned to one of Jon’s favorite subjects, the Soul. Time passed quickly as he regaled the others with funny tales of his adventures in the Arena Football League. All too soon Troy was back and ready to drive them home.
The group followed Troy out to his SUV and climbed in, somewhat clumsily. After all, they had consumed a few adult beverages throughout the evening. Brandon sat in the front passenger seat, and Cate found herself in the middle of the back seat, between Danny and Jon.
“Jon, I’m gonna drop you off first since you’re on the Island,” Troy said.
“Thanks, Man,” Jon answered. Damnit, he thought. It was only a short drive from the Center over the causeway to St. Simon’s Island. That meant he only had a few more minutes to spend with Cate.
Once the doors to Troy’s SUV were closed and the cabin lights dimmed, Jon slid his arm across the back of the seat behind Cate. His fingers toyed with her hair and gently caressed her neck and shoulder.
She sighed and leaned toward him, settling her hand on his thigh. In the dark, she traced little patterns with her fingertips, allowing them to wander until they found the ridge of the inseam of Jon’s jeans. She slid her fingernails slowly up the seam until she heard him draw in a deep breath.
Cate glanced over at Danny. He was slumped against the door, his eyes closed. But he had a little smirk on his lips and his breathing was shallow. He was clearly pretending to be asleep.
Cate smiled to herself. Thanks, Bro, she thought. She trailed her fingers back to Jon’s quad and resumed tracing little figure eights there.
In a scant ten minutes they were pulling into the long drive leading up to the King and Prince. As they glided toward the entrance, Jon turned to Cate. “Come inside with me,” he breathed into her ear.
Cate’s heart stopped. This wonderful, glorious, amazing night didn’t have to end, if only she said “yes.” But she knew she couldn’t give Jon the answer he wanted.
Cate glanced over at Danny. He was slumped against the door, his eyes closed. But he had a little smirk on his lips and his breathing was shallow. He was clearly pretending to be asleep.
Cate smiled to herself. Thanks, Bro, she thought. She trailed her fingers back to Jon’s quad and resumed tracing little figure eights there.
In a scant ten minutes they were pulling into the long drive leading up to the King and Prince. As they glided toward the entrance, Jon turned to Cate. “Come inside with me,” he breathed into her ear.
Cate’s heart stopped. This wonderful, glorious, amazing night didn’t have to end, if only she said “yes.” But she knew she couldn’t give Jon the answer he wanted.
For one, there were too many witnesses. Danny knew what was going on, but Troy and Brandon hopefully hadn’t yet picked up on the attraction between her and Jon.
She grimaced as she imagined how a report of the evening’s events would read:
She grimaced as she imagined how a report of the evening’s events would read:
SUBJECT was last seen at approximately 0220 at the King and Prince Hotel, accompanying international Rock Star Jon Bon Jovi into his private villa. She was clearly under the influence of intoxicants and extremely affectionate toward Bon Jovi.
And for two, a shadow of fear still flickered in Cate’s heart at the thought of becoming more intimate with Jon. Making out in the shadows outside a bar was one thing, but being alone with him in a luxurious hotel suite was quite another.
Cate turned her face to Jon’s. She almost faltered, seeing the need in his eyes. But she stood firm. “I can’t,” she whispered back, tipping her head toward the front of the car, indicating Troy and Brandon.
“Then come back,” Jon breathed in reply. “Give me your address. I’ll send a car.”
Again Cate was sorely tempted, but she smiled gently and shook her head. “You have to fly in a couple hours. And I have plans with Mandy.”
Jon held her gaze, pleading with his eyes, as Troy’s SUV rolled to a stop at the hotel entrance. He sighed, then turned toward the front, sliding his arm from around Cate’s shoulders.
“Thanks for the ride, Man,” he said, clapping his hand over Troy’s shoulder. “See ya Monday.”
“No problem, Jon,” Troy answered. “Have a good weekend.” Brandon echoed Troy’s farewell, and Jon responded. Then he turned to Cate.
“ ‘Night,” he said gently. He kissed her chastely on the cheek. “I’ll give you a call this weekend.” His eyes locked with Cate’s for one last lingering look, then he sighed and climbed out of the SUV.
Cate slid over to where Jon had sat, the soft leather still warm from his body. She looked out the back window as they pulled away and saw Jon standing in the drive, watching her depart. She gazed back at him until the SUV went around a corner and Jon drifted out of sight.
Cate tipped her head back against the seat and let out a heavy sigh. Then she heard Danny’s voice in her ear. “You… are… a… Fucking… Idiot!” he murmured, not unkindly. Cate turned her head to look at Danny. He gave her a gentle smile, seeing the conflict in her expression.
“I know,” she whispered, smiling weakly. “I know.”
Danny started as a buzz emitted from his belt. He pulled out his Blackberry and pressed a button to view the text message he had just received. A grin spread across his face, illuminated by the glow of the screen.
And for two, a shadow of fear still flickered in Cate’s heart at the thought of becoming more intimate with Jon. Making out in the shadows outside a bar was one thing, but being alone with him in a luxurious hotel suite was quite another.
Cate turned her face to Jon’s. She almost faltered, seeing the need in his eyes. But she stood firm. “I can’t,” she whispered back, tipping her head toward the front of the car, indicating Troy and Brandon.
“Then come back,” Jon breathed in reply. “Give me your address. I’ll send a car.”
Again Cate was sorely tempted, but she smiled gently and shook her head. “You have to fly in a couple hours. And I have plans with Mandy.”
Jon held her gaze, pleading with his eyes, as Troy’s SUV rolled to a stop at the hotel entrance. He sighed, then turned toward the front, sliding his arm from around Cate’s shoulders.
“Thanks for the ride, Man,” he said, clapping his hand over Troy’s shoulder. “See ya Monday.”
“No problem, Jon,” Troy answered. “Have a good weekend.” Brandon echoed Troy’s farewell, and Jon responded. Then he turned to Cate.
“ ‘Night,” he said gently. He kissed her chastely on the cheek. “I’ll give you a call this weekend.” His eyes locked with Cate’s for one last lingering look, then he sighed and climbed out of the SUV.
Cate slid over to where Jon had sat, the soft leather still warm from his body. She looked out the back window as they pulled away and saw Jon standing in the drive, watching her depart. She gazed back at him until the SUV went around a corner and Jon drifted out of sight.
Cate tipped her head back against the seat and let out a heavy sigh. Then she heard Danny’s voice in her ear. “You… are… a… Fucking… Idiot!” he murmured, not unkindly. Cate turned her head to look at Danny. He gave her a gentle smile, seeing the conflict in her expression.
“I know,” she whispered, smiling weakly. “I know.”
Danny started as a buzz emitted from his belt. He pulled out his Blackberry and pressed a button to view the text message he had just received. A grin spread across his face, illuminated by the glow of the screen.
Cate chuckled. “Lemme guess…Charity?”
“Yep. She wants to meet me for breakfast.” Danny smirked. “Wonder if she wants to cook, or if she wants me to?”
Cate sighed and shook her head at her pal. “You are such a slut,” she grinned.
“And you’re not. So who’s having more fun?” Danny teased.
“Yeah, yeah,” Cate answered.
“Yep. She wants to meet me for breakfast.” Danny smirked. “Wonder if she wants to cook, or if she wants me to?”
Cate sighed and shook her head at her pal. “You are such a slut,” she grinned.
“And you’re not. So who’s having more fun?” Danny teased.
“Yeah, yeah,” Cate answered.
Suddenly she was very, very tired. The booze and adrenaline were finally counteracting each other. She settled back against the leather seat and closed her eyes, a little smile on her lips as she remembered the feel of Jon’s arms around her.
She was just drifting off into a happy fantasy, about him kissing her in the shadows outside a bar, when she felt her Blackberry buzz. She fished it out of its holder and held it up to her face.
[2:31 am] Sure u don’t want to come over?
Cate smiled and shook her head. Jon was nothing if not persistent. She pushed the buttons to form her reply.
[2:32 am] Want to… but can’t. You need to sleep.
She waited a moment, and his reply came.
[2:33 am] I need YOU.
Cate’s heart skipped a beat. But it was too late now. No going back. She took a deep breath and typed her answer.
[2:35 pm] Sorry, Baby. I need sleep too.
Damnit, Damnit, Damnit….. Cate thought, remembering the feel of Jon’s body against hers.
[2:37 pm] Dream of me?
Cate smiled.
[2:38 am] Always.
[2:39 am] :) Night, Baby. XOXO – JB
[2:40 am] XOXO - Cate
Cate closed her eyes and let herself drift back into the fantasy as they drove on through the night.
She was just drifting off into a happy fantasy, about him kissing her in the shadows outside a bar, when she felt her Blackberry buzz. She fished it out of its holder and held it up to her face.
[2:31 am] Sure u don’t want to come over?
Cate smiled and shook her head. Jon was nothing if not persistent. She pushed the buttons to form her reply.
[2:32 am] Want to… but can’t. You need to sleep.
She waited a moment, and his reply came.
[2:33 am] I need YOU.
Cate’s heart skipped a beat. But it was too late now. No going back. She took a deep breath and typed her answer.
[2:35 pm] Sorry, Baby. I need sleep too.
Damnit, Damnit, Damnit….. Cate thought, remembering the feel of Jon’s body against hers.
[2:37 pm] Dream of me?
Cate smiled.
[2:38 am] Always.
[2:39 am] :) Night, Baby. XOXO – JB
[2:40 am] XOXO - Cate
Cate closed her eyes and let herself drift back into the fantasy as they drove on through the night.
OMG Cate....that is willpower...no way would I be saying no after their tryst on the patio!!!! Can't wait for more, the tension is killing me.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! this is a fantastic story. I love how you build up the suspense. The chemistry between them is amazing. Great job. Can't u write quicker :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not even a Jon girl but damn I would have went with him!!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteCate, repeat after me:
ReplyDeleteYES JON!!!!!!!!
Who needs sleep when you could have JBJ?
ReplyDeleteAnd what kind of INSANE woman tells him NO?!!! Hell, I would have WALKED back to him! But that's just me. :)
So.....how does he get her to join him tomorrow?
Quote: "And what kind of INSANE woman tells him NO?!!!"
ReplyDeleteA woman that got deeply hurt in her past. Can understand her. *sigh*
More please, Cate.
Christ I'd be out the car while it's still moving and heading back!
ReplyDeleteLord, I need to keep reading.......*heads off for more*
I'll sleep when I'm dead!