Jon pulled open the heavy glass door and entered the building. He left his sunglasses on as he strolled down the long hall, not from habit but from vanity. He looked like shit this morning, and he felt every second of his age and then some. So he decided to hide behind the shades. He didn’t think he would encounter many people up and about on the Center at this hour, but he didn’t care. He was invoking the “Rock Star prerogative.”
He swung his briefcase slightly in his right hand as he walked. Jon had spent most of the night working. He had begun with a series of phone calls to the people who would do his bidding. Most of them were on the West Coast, so the late hour at which he had embarked upon this newest project had little impact on his ability to reach them. Not that he gave a flying fuck whether he woke them up in the middle of the Goddamn night or not. There was work to be done, and time was of the essence.
However, there was one contact that required more respect. The most important one. By the time Jon had outlined a strategy and set the wheels in motion on his plan, it had been well into the wee hours of the morning here in Georgia. So he had to wait.
Jon was so keyed up that he had been unable to sleep, so he had poured himself a drink and settled on the chaise. He had watched the waves and smoked, and napped a bit, until the first light of dawn crept onto the horizon. Then he rose and went back into the villa. Jon showered, shaved, and dressed, then waited. At the stroke of 6:00 a.m. he picked up his Blackberry and made the call.
Now, a half-hour later, Jon reached the end of the hall and stepped through the open double doors. He was greeted by the attractive young secretary he had met last week, Stacey. “Good morning, Mister Bongiovi,” she smiled cheerily. “He’s on a call. Can I get you a cup of coffee?”
“Good morning. Yes, thanks,” Jon replied, his voice gravelly. He gave Stacey a tired smile as she rose from her desk. Jon took a couple steps over to the leather sofa near the window, and lowered himself onto it.
A minute later, Stacey returned with a tray bearing a carafe of coffee, creamer, sugar, and a large ceramic mug emblazoned with the Center’s logo. She set the tray on the coffee table in front of Jon and gave him another perky smile, then moved back to her desk.
Jon poured himself a cup and added cream and sugar. He sank back against the soft leather of the couch and closed his eyes, taking a swallow of the rich beverage. He sat with his eyes closed for several minutes, running through the details of his plan in his mind.
He was pretty sure he had covered all the bases, but this was unfamiliar territory. Jon’s Foundation and business enterprises had worked with government agencies before, but he had never personally been involved in marshalling federal resources. He hoped he hadn’t made any major oversights or omissions. Now he just needed buy-in from the people who counted.
“Well, hello there,” Jon opened his eyes at the familiar voice. He smiled and rose to his feet when he recognized the woman standing in front of him, grinning amusedly.
“Good morning,” Jon replied the photographer, offering her his hand. “How are you today, Mo?”
“Doin’ fine,” she chuckled. “How about you? What brings you in here so early?”
“Well, it was the only time I could get on the schedule. He’s a busy man,” Jon answered, tipping his head toward the heavy oak door behind Stacey’s desk.
Mo nodded. “He sure is. In fact, I’m in early because I’m shooting the breakfast at seven.” Mo smiled again at Jon. “How’s your training going?”
“Very well, thanks,” Jon answered. “Cate’s still kicking my butt. We were on the range again last night. Today she has me ‘blowing shit up and burning shit down’.” Jon grinned. “Can’t wait.”
Mo laughed. “Yeah, the bomb and arson boys are a hoot. You’ll have a blast… no pun intended.”
Jon chuckled. He was just about to ask Mo about her week when Stacey spoke up. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Bongiovi, but he can see you now.”
“That’s my cue,” Jon smiled. He again shook Mo’s hand. “Nice to see you again.”
“You too,” Mo replied. “Tell Cate I say ‘howdy’.”
“Will do.” Jon set his coffee cup back on the tray, picked up his briefcase, and moved toward the door where Stacey was waiting to usher him into the Director’s office. He followed her into the large, airy room, then pulled off his sunglasses and tucked them into his shirt collar as he moved to shake hands with the man.
“Paul, thanks for seeing me on such short notice,” Jon said deferentially, giving the Director a winning smile. “Sorry about the early-morning call, but this just came up.”
“Oh, not a problem at all,” the Director answered, gesturing for Jon to sit a large leather armchair. “I’m usually in early anyway.” He sat in an identical chair, facing Jon, and crossed his long legs. “So, Jon, what can I do for you?”
“Well, it’s about that idea we discussed at your house on Sunday,” Jon began. “About me doing some publicity work for the Center. I’ve spoken with some of my people and I think we have a really exciting idea. But there’s something I’d like to ask in return…”
Jon opened his briefcase and pulled out two black folders, handing one to the Director. He quickly outlined his plan, referring Paul to the documents inside the folder. Paul nodded along, a smile on his face, as he listened to Jon’s pitch. After ten minutes, he raised an eyebrow at Jon. “Wow. You did all this in just a couple days?” he asked.
Jon nodded. Actually, in a couple hours, he thought. “I’m just really excited about this opportunity to do something to support the men and women of law enforcement,” he replied diplomatically. “I wanted to get something put together before I finish up here on Friday.”
“Well, it sounds fantastic. I think we’ll be able to get everyone on board,” Paul grinned. “I’ll have my legal shop review these documents today, to be sure everything’s okay contract-wise, and I’ll have my public affairs and human resources folks put together the stuff we’ll need from our end. I’ll give you a call later today, if that works.”
“That works,” Jon replied with a smile. “I’m going to be training at the gym – DTs – until about four-thirty, then I’ll have a break until I have to be at the range at seven. You can call my Blackberry; if I’m in training I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”
“Not a problem.” Paul glanced at his clock. “Sorry, but I need to go… I have a breakfast function in a few minutes.” He stood and offered his hand to Jon, who stood as well. “This sounds great. I think it will be really exciting, for everybody.”
“Me too,” Jon grinned. “Thanks again for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.”
“Give Agent Sullivan my regards,” Paul smiled.
“I will,” Jon promised. He picked up his briefcase and moved toward the door.
When Jon stepped back into the outer office of the Director’s suite, he winked at the secretary before sliding his sunglasses back into place over his tired eyes. “Thanks, Stacey,” he said, starting to make his way to the exit.
“You’re welcome,” she answered. “Oh, Mr. Bongiovi? Mo left this for you.” Stacey held out a large manila envelope to Jon. “Have a nice day.”
“Thanks, Doll,” Jon chuckled, flashing her a dazzling grin. He felt a bit smug when Stacey let out a little sigh at the sight of The Smile. He took the envelope from her hand, then left the suite. He looked curiously at the brown packet as he strode down the hall. There was nothing on the outside to indicate what its contents might be.
Jon left the building and went to his SUV, tossing his briefcase onto the passenger seat. He climbed in behind the wheel, then ripped open the seal of the envelope. Jon slid out a plain file folder and opened it. His eyes widened slightly at its contents, then he smiled as his heart warmed.
It was an 8 x 10 print of the photo of him and Cate at the raid houses on Friday, smiling at each other as they stood close together. Jon carefully studied the photo for a long moment, his gaze lingering on the sweet expression on Cate’s beautiful face. The affection there was unmistakable.
At that moment, he had no doubt that somehow, some way, he would convince her to be with him.
ooooh I'd love to know where this is going! I can't wait till the next chapter. I love this story!
ReplyDeleteSuggestion Jon, show her the picture...they don't lie. Hope his plan works.
ReplyDeleteI'm still curious if what i think Jon is up to from the directors party is where you are going here?
ReplyDeleteThanks for using my name for the secretary. I would loved to have that happen in real life. Only exception after losing both my in laws in 2 months, reeling in their debt & mine, 3 teenage kids with their problems, I lose my secretary job of 7 years. It's funny how your life can change in a year. I go to from a job I loved & finally able to take my dream trip to California to now not even able to pay all the bills because of no job & living on toast & crackers! Btw, not that I recommed it but after a month I have lost 15 pounds!
Sorry to vent it just kind of hit home & next thing you know I start pouring out my problems.
Ok I finally gave in and read the last 6 chapters.
ReplyDeleteNow I've got to wait to see what scheming HRH has gotten up too.
I know Cate doesn't want her heart breaking when he leaves. But damnit woman you're already hurting and he's not even gone!"!!!!!!!
Can't wait for more.
Wonder what he's got up his sleeve? Love how he says jump and expects everyone to ask how high! LOL
ReplyDeleteAch Jonny,so selbstlos,nur für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und die Polizisten und blabla...na klar.so ein Schlingel.😅😅😅Du willst Cate,so ein Glück das du eine Möglichkeit gefunden hast😁