When they reached Jon’s villa, they set about gathering the things they would need to relax on the beach. Cate pulled cold bottles of water from the fridge and put them in a small cooler with ice while Jon collected beach towels, sunscreen, and his movie script. Then they headed out to the sand.
As Jon laid out the towels, Cate looked up and down the water's edge. She saw several people far down the private beach, toward the other end of the hotel complex, but other than that they were alone. Ah, the perks of being rich enough to stay in a place like this! When she went to the one of the public beaches she had to deal with all kinds of distractions and annoyances.
“There ya go, Babe,” Jon grinned, sweeping his hand toward the huge towels, laid side-by-side on the warm sand. “Take your pick.”
“Why, thank you, Sir!” Cate smiled. She watched as Jon took off his Soul baseball cap and tossed it to the ground, then pulled his t-shirt off. Once again she sighed at the sight of his tanned, muscular chest. That view never gets old….
Jon replaced his hat and looked at Cate, grinning at her from behind his sunglasses. “So, ya gonna join me, or are you just gonna stand there and ogle me like I’m some piece of meat?” he teased.
“Sorry,” Cate replied, grinning back at him. “Like you’re not used to it,” she mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for him to hear. She undid the button and zipper on her shorts and slid them down her legs, folding them and tossing them onto the corner of one of the towels. Then she pulled her Wonder Woman tank up over her head, revealing her modest black halter bikini.
Jon let out a low whistle, his gaze sliding greedily over Cate’s body as she unwound her hair from its bun and shook it loose. The damp auburn waves slid down over her back and shoulders, stirring in the ocean breeze. He could see Cate’s clear blue eyes sparkling behind the amber lenses of her sunglasses as she watched him admire her body.
He let his eyes wander across her breasts, then down the vertical ridge of her taut abdomen. His gaze stopped on the little silver ring in her navel, and his mouth watered. His eyes slid lower to the black vee of fabric that dipped between her tanned, trim thighs.
“Wow!” he growled, feeling his cock stir appreciatively.
Cate giggled self-consciously. “What, are you just gonna ogle me like I’m some piece of meat?” she teased, throwing Jon’s comment back at him.
“You bet I am!” Jon grinned. He looked Cate up and down again, then shook his head. “Damn, woman! Every time I think I’ve got myself under control around you, you go and do something else to get me all worked up.”
“Hey, this was your idea!” Cate laughed. “I’m not responsible for your….control issues.”
“I know, I know,” he chuckled. He dropped to his knees on one of the beach towels and reached his hand out to Cate. “C’mon. Join me.”
Cate smiled and took Jon’s hand, kneeling on the other towel. They both sat, side by side, and Jon handed Cate the tube of sunscreen. He watched her silently as she once again wound her hair up into a loose bun, then squeezed some of the lotion into her palms and rubbed it over her arms, chest, stomach, and legs.
“Here,” she said, handing the tube back to Jon. “Put some of this on, then I’ll do your back for you.”
Jon quickly covered his front in sunscreen, then turned away from Cate and handed her the tube over his shoulder. She squeezed some of the lotion into her hand and dropped the tube on the towel, then grinned to herself. She slowly and methodically spread the sunscreen over Jon’s muscular back, gently kneading and rubbing her hands all the way down to the waistband of his trunks. Jon groaned appreciatively at her massage. “Ahh, Baby, that feels great…” he rumbled.
When Cate had covered every millimeter of Jon’s back with sunscreen, she sat back on her towel. “Do me?” she asked, picking up the sunscreen tube.
“Right now? Here?” Jon looked back at her over his shoulder, grinning suggestively. “Well, I did say anytime…” he teased.
“Sunscreen, you perv!” Cate laughed, shaking her head.
“Okay. Lie down,” Jon ordered, chuckling. He turned around to face her, shifting to his knees, as Cate stretched out on her stomach on the towel. She crossed her arms in front of her and rested her chin on her forearms, closing her eyes.
Jon drew in a sharp breath when he saw her nearly-bare back. Only the thin strap of her bikini top cut across the tanned expanse of flesh. He reached out and gently unhooked her top, letting the black band of fabric fall loosely against her skin. He pushed the two ends apart until they slipped down the curve of her sides.
Jon groaned under his breath as he saw the side of Cate’s bare breast, pressed against the towel. Glancing at Cate’s face, he saw that she had turned her face toward him, her head pillowed on her folded arms. A sweet but seductive smile rested on her full lips.
Jon returned his gaze to Cate’s back and let his eyes wander down the ridge of her backbone to the edge of her black bikini bottoms. His eyes widened and he gasped involuntarily when he saw the tattoo to the right of her spine. There it was, the “mystery tattoo” he knew was there but had not yet gotten a good look at. His heart stopped as he stared at it.
It was an ornate black Celtic Cross, about three inches long, encircled by dark red script. But it wasn’t the tattoo itself that so surprised him. It was the almost perfectly round, raised scar it covered. That’s where she was shot… Jon thought, suddenly feeling a stabbing ache in his heart at the thought of her pain.
He reached out and traced the tattoo with a gentle finger, lowering his head a bit to read the words inked in a circle around the cross. Jon felt his heart jump again as he recognized the words: “Every new beginning is some beginning’s end. 4-14-06.”
Without thinking, Jon lowered his lips to Cate’s skin, placing a gentle kiss on the center of the cross. Cate raised her head and looked back at him, surprised. He looked toward her, thankful that she couldn’t see his eyes, sparkling with the beginnings of tears behind his dark sunglasses. “It’s beautiful,” he said softly.
“Thanks,” Cate replied gently. She looked at him for a long moment, then silently laid her head back on her arms.
Jon straightened up and blinked the moisture away from his eyes, then squeezed some sunscreen into his hand. He gently massaged the lotion into Cate’s back, working from her shoulders down to her hips.
As he relished the feel of her warm, smooth skin under his hands, he realized just how much he wanted to hold her, to caress her, to make love to her. He was sure she wanted him too, but something was holding her back. Whatever that was, Jon hoped fervently that she would soon get past it, before they ran out of time.
Jon finished with his task, then lowered himself onto his stomach on his towel, beside Cate. Resting his head on his folded arms, he faced Cate and smiled. “Wanna help me with my lines, or do you wanna just lay here for awhile?”
“Mmmmm….” Cate purred. “Let’s just lay here awhile. It feels heavenly.” She was reveling in the feel of the warm sun on her skin, the gentle breeze stirring her hair, and in the sight of Jon lying half-naked beside her.
“Okay,” Jon agreed. He smiled when he saw Cate slide her arm from under her head and lay her hand beside his shoulder in invitation. He slid his own hand from beneath his head and settled it into Cate’s, entwining his fingers with hers.
They lay there on the warm sand, holding hands, enjoying the peace and beauty of the beach. Cate and Jon alternated talking quietly about whatever topic came to them and just lying silently, each lost in his or her own thoughts.
After about 45 minutes, Cate reconnected the strap on her bikini top then turned over onto her back, settling comfortably onto her towel to sun her front. Jon rolled onto his side and pushed up onto one elbow, letting his gaze wander over Cate’s body. He felt a lusty stirring again as he looked at her.
Feeling his eyes on her, Cate turned her face to Jon and gave him a little smile. “Enjoying the view?” she teased, as he had taunted her earlier this morning when she had leered at him in the bathroom.
“Yes,” Jon leaned over until his lips were just inches from hers. “Very much,” he purred. Jon gave Cate a sexy little smile as his hand moved to her abdomen, his fingers toying with her navel ring.
“Ohhh….” Cate sighed at his touch. She raised her head until her lips touched Jon’s. She felt his lips part under the gentle pressure, and she slipped her tongue into his mouth. “Mmmmm…” she hummed as he deepened the kiss, pressing her head back down onto the towel. She raised her hand to push his hat back off his head so she could tangle her fingers in his hair.
Jon slid his body closer to Cate’s as he gently rubbed his palm over Cate’s warm, taut stomach. Cate gasped as she felt him press his erection against her hip and slide his hand up to her breast. “Jon…” she whispered against his lips, breaking the kiss. She groaned slightly as he gently kneaded her breast over the fabric of her bikini top. “We may be on a private beach, but we aren’t out of sight.”
“So?” Jon growled throatily. “There’s nobody close by…” He slipped a finger under her top to tease her nipple, evoking a little gasp from Cate. He pulled his face back slightly from hers and gave her a naughty smile. “I’ll stop if you want, but only if you tell me to.”
Cate looked silently at Jon, then leaned up to him, again offering him her lips. Jon chuckled and lowered his mouth to hers, engaging her in another long, steamy kiss.
Jon let his hand wander from Cate’s breast, drawing gentle fingertips down her abs and past her bellybutton to the edge of her bikini bottoms. He felt Cate’s body quiver as he traced the edge of the fabric, tickling her lightly. She again sighed against his mouth as Jon slipped his fingers under the elastic and slid them downward until he found the little patch of soft hair.
Jon groaned through their kiss and shifted to press his dick harder against Cate’s body. He gasped when he felt Cate slide her hand between his erection and her hip, turning her palm to gently grip his hard shaft.
“God, Cate!” he whispered in surprise, pulling his mouth from hers. He felt Cate smile as she stroked him lightly, and he again pressed his lips to hers for a heated kiss. Jon slipped his finger lower, into her wet warmth.
Cate moaned at the contact, arching her back slightly as he circled her clit with a gentle, calloused finger. “Jon!” she gasped. “I…I think we should stop…” She hated the words the second they left her lips, but she meant them. The last thing either of them needed was to be discovered fucking on the beach. Or worse, photographed or recorded.
Jon froze. DAMNIT! he swore to himself. He took a deep breath. “Are you sure?” he whispered, trying to keep his disappointment from the words.
“Yes,” Cate breathed. “I’m sorry. It’s just…we’re out here where anyone can see us, and…” her voice trailed off as she sighed regretfully. “God, I’m so sorry. I never should have let it go this far.”
Jon smiled and dropped his forehead against hers, closing his eyes and sighing. He reluctantly slipped his hand out of her bikini bottoms and rested it on her hip. “It’s okay, Baby,” he said gently. “I hate to admit it, but you’re right…we are exposed out here. Fucking paparazzi would have a field day with this.”
His voice took on a bitter edge with his last statement. Christ, how would I explain this to my kids?
“Yeah. Not to mention I’d be out of a job.” Cate answered, turning her head slightly so her lips brushed against his cheek as she spoke. “The people that grant security clearances tend to frown upon lewd public behavior. They think it indicates an inability to control oneself. And it’s really not good for federal agents to get busted breaking public indecency laws. Like being bare-assed naked on the beach with a Rock Star between your thighs.”
She giggled as Jon raised his head and gave her an amused look. “I’m sure you’d be totally worth it, though,” she added.
Jon shook his head and laughed at her. “You cops have a weird sense of humor.”
“Occupational hazard,” Cate chuckled. She gave Jon an apologetic look. “I am sorry,” she said gently. Jon was still pressed against her, his hard cock resting against her palm. Poor guy. I can’t believe he still wants anything to do with me, as many times as I’ve wound him up this week… She was careful to hold her hand perfectly still, not wanting to tease him more.
“It’s okay,” Jon repeated. He took a deep breath, then rolled away from her and sat up, his forearms resting on his knees. Cate pushed herself up onto her elbows and drew in her own deep breath.
Jon looked back over his shoulder at Cate, giving her a little smile and shaking his head slightly. “I’m gonna go in the water. Maybe it’ll cool me down.” A hint of sarcasm laced his voice. “I would invite you to come along, but I don’t think seeing that bikini wet would help matters.”
Cate laughed. “I’ll stay put. You go.”
Jon sighed and gave Cate another faux-exasperated smile. “Damn, Woman…” he muttered, then climbed to his feet, grabbing his hat and tugging it down over his hair.
Cate watched as Jon strode down the sand to the surf and waded into the water, the sun shining on his bronze skin. She groaned softly and dropped back down onto the sand. She was still tingling with arousal from Jon’s intimate touch, and watching him wasn’t helping.
“Fuck!” she muttered to herself. What the hell is wrong with me? Cate sighed exasperatedly and stared up at the bright blue sky. It’s been…. she counted backwards. Jesus! Ten months since I last had sex! And here I am with a chance to let Jon Bon Jovi screw me silly. Repeatedly. And I keep telling him to stop.
“Aaargh!” Cate grunted, letting out her frustration. “I… am… a… fucking… idiot!” she growled, repeating Danny’s words from Friday night. She lay staring at the sky for a long while, trying to convince herself that she should, she needed to sleep with Jon. But her heart kept pushing back, reminding her how much more it would hurt when he left in a few short days.
Deciding the answer to her dilemma wasn’t in the sky, Cate pushed herself up to sit. She opened the cooler and pulled out a bottle of water, then took a long drink. She looked toward the ocean and saw Jon swimming back to the shore. He had apparently decided to venture out further than ankle-depth.
Cate watched as he swam with powerful, sure strokes until he reached the shallows. Jon stood, water streaming down from his chest, and waded back toward the sand. He ran his hands through his wet hair, sweeping it back off his forehead.
Cate caught her lower lip between her teeth as she watched his board shorts slip a little lower down his hips as he waded through the surf. The cool water had obviously eased his arousal, but the vision of him emerging from the sea was doing nothing to help minimize Cate’s ache. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him.
“Fuuuuck…” Cate growled, taking another swig of cold water. She pressed the bottle between her breasts, hoping it would help settle her down.
Jon bent down and picked up his hat and sunglasses from where he had dropped them on the sand before going into the water. Sliding the glasses onto his face, he turned and gave Cate a dazzling smile. THE smile. Cate groaned again and let herself fall back onto her towel as he strode back up the beach to her.
Jon chuckled as he approached Cate. He could tell from her body language that she was still hot and bothered. Good, he thought, with just a tiny little streak of meanness. Now she knows how I feel… He dropped onto his towel and leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Ahhh… that felt great! Maybe you should go in.” He gave her a mischievous grin. “It’ll cool ya down!”
“I’m fine,” Cate answered, just a bit snarkily. She sat up and took another drink of water. “How about we work on your lines?” I need a distraction…
“Sure,” Jon agreed. He ran a hand through his rapidly-drying hair, then pulled his cap on again. He handed Cate the thick script. “Here ya go. The section I’m working on is marked.” He settled back down on his towel, lying on his back with his knees bent.
Cate found the page and settled onto her towel, lying on her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows. She started to read the direction and dialogue, pausing for Jon to recite his lines.
They fell into a comfortable rhythm as they worked together through the script. Cate smiled as Jon struggled to remember some of the cop terminology as they read through the pages, and a few times she laughed and rolled her eyes at the cheesy, clichéd cop-speak.
Finally, after more than an hour had passed and the sun was dropping lower in the sky, they decided to head back inside. It was almost time for their magical weekend to end.
Oh maaaaaaaan!
ReplyDeleteI need a cold shower!
I need more than a cold shower, I need an ice cube bath!!!!!!!!!! Dang it, girl! Help me, here!!!!! Board shorts slipping down......GULP!
ReplyDeleteWhat a scene...I know not much happened but what did. Thud! Now take them home so more can happen.
“I… am… a… fucking… idiot!”
ReplyDeleteSelf awareness is a wonderful thing. :)
Freakin great... I'll let you in on a secret... we girls can read more than 2 chapters in one sitting... therefore put more chapters on!!!! :) LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the longest seduction ever!!! 62 chapters, now that's a record in bon jovi fan fiction. I like it though. Really enjoying this story.